The official travel journal of Jerry & Ann Linebarger

A typical trapper's cabin built so he could have a warm and dry place to stay.
A cache used to store food high off the ground and away from predatory animals.
This girl is showing off a beautiful Athabascan parka.  One of these babies will set you back 25 grand or so.
The lady in the red made this particular parka and also has one on display in the Smithsonian Institute.
A smaller sister ship of the paddle wheeler we were on while cruising the Tanana and Chena Rivers in Fairbanks.
An Athabascan Indian demonstration showing the smoke house and salmon filets hanging from the drying racks.
This contraption is a fish wheel used by the Athabascans to catch salmon swimming upstream.  They could catch hundreds of fish a day with this thing.
The grand prize winner of the Tanana Valley State Fair cabbage entries.  Pretty good size, eh?